The information on the price and the availability of the product on MY:TIME website is always accurate and timely.
Information is updated in real time, by clicking REFRESH, the search engine will show you the current situation with the desired products.
A value voucher (MY:TIME GIFT VOUCHER) can be purchased at any MY:TIME store , or online on our website.
More about vouchers at: www.mytime.mk/en/vouchers
It is not possible to add additional percentage of discount to the one directly calculated on the product on the website. If you are a member of MY:TIME Loyalty Club and you, depending on the membership level, already enjoy discount that is higher than the existing one, you are entitled to use the higher discount.
To shop online on the MY:TIME website follow these easy steps:
If you see the product you are interested in on the website of MY:TIME, then it means it is available. To check the availability of the product on the website of MY:TIME. click on CHECK AVAILABILITY. All stores where this product is available will be listed.
All discounts are directly calculated on the product and shown on the MY:TIME website. You will get the discount whether your buy online or in our store. If the price of the product has already been reduced, no additional discount is possible.
However, if you are a MY:TIME Loyalty Club member, and if the membership level entitles you to a higher discount than the one already shown on the product, you can use the higher discount.
In order to receive discounts, now or in future, please read the rules for MY:TIME Loyalty Club membership and register.
To register in MY:TIME Loyalty Club, follow the following 6 steps:
Now your profile has been successfully created. Enjoy your shopping!
If you are already registered in MY:TIME Loyalty Club, you need to log in to the website and activate your user profile online. Follow these steps:
1. Go to www.mytime.mk/en and click on the PROFILE button
2. Enter your email address that you registered with in the Loyalty Club
*If you don’t remember the e-mail address you registered with, contact us at 070 914 000 or contact@mytime.mk
3. The system will guide you, just follow the steps
After this, your user profile is successfully activated and linked to your Loyalty Club membership. Enjoy your shopping!
The deadline for the delivery of the product in Macedonia is 3-5 working days from the day of the order.
The delivery is done by Eco Logistic Service (ELS) courier service to the address stated in the online order. More on the delivery service at: link.
A product can be exchanged within 30 days of the purchase, with the fiscal receipt (or the invoice for online purchases) and only if the product is in the original condition and undamaged, which will be confirmed by MY:TIME employee. These three conditions are mandatory.
If you do not have the fiscal receipt because it has been lost or the product was a gift, you can ask for a copy of the receipt in the Public Revenue Office by submitting a written request to the PRO General Management Office stating that you need a copy of the original invoice.
Yes, we provide change of straps and batteries. The servicing of each watch is unique. If you have questions about servicing your watch, feel free to write on contact@mytime.mk or call on 15 150. from Mon – Fri, between 09:00h - 17:00h. MY:TIME service repair is in Boulevard 8-mi Septemvri 3/4/4 Skopje
Yes, we provide repair of products which are not part of our portfolio. The servicing of each watch is unique. If you have questions about servicing your watch, feel free to write on contact@mytime.mk or call on 15 150 . from Mon – Fri, between 09:00h - 17:00h. MY:TIME service repair is in Boulevard 8-mi Septemvri 3/4/4 Skopje
Yes, we do. The servicing of each watch is unique If you have questions about servicing your watch, feel free to write on contact@mytime.mk or call on 15 150 . from Mon – Fri, between 09:00h - 17:00h. MY:TIME service repair is in Boulevard 8-mi Septemvri 3/4/4 Skopje
Your shipment will be sent to the address you last specified. The address on the electronic invoice is the address entered during the registration and creation of the user profile in MY:TIME web-site.
If a new address is entered with the online order, the shipment will be delivered to the new address.
If no new address is entered with the online order, the shipment will be delivered to the address which was initially entered.
Each member of the Loyalty Club acquires level of membership and a percentile discount depending on the amount spent. With every purchase, the membership level goes higher and so does the discount,. Also, with your MY:TIME Loyalty Club membership you receive the bonus of free delivery for every online purchase. For other benefits (badges, gifts and additional discounts) of the MY:TIME Loyalty Club, please read here.