1. General

The website "www.mytime.mk" offers an online service, managed by WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje, including information services, contents and transaction capabilities enabled by MY:TIME through whose pages products are sold. The prices of all mytime.mk products are in Denars and include VAT.

Each buyer may or may not have to register in order to complete the order. After the completion of the order, an e-mail will be sent to the address specified by the buyer with an overview of the order.

Delivery is free for every order above 600 denars. Delivery is charged 100 denars for each order under 600 denars. It does not include warranty and insurance during transport/delivery of the product. For product transport insurance, see point 3-Purchase rules.

The purchase can be made with  payment upon delivery, payment by order with the following payment cards: Visa Classic; Visa Electron; MasterCard; Maestro; American Express; Diners Club International (only if there is a CVV2/CVC code on the reverse of the card) and the payment is made through our partner bank NLB Tutunska Banka.

By using this site, the end user agrees to the rules and conditions set forth below. The right to use this site belongs to the end user and is not transferable to any other person or entity. The end user is responsible for protecting the confidentiality of their password. The end User acknowledges albeit the Internet is often a safe place, there are service interruptions or occurrences are beyond MY:TIME control. MY:TIME is not responsible for any data lost during the data transfer over the Internet. The User understands and acknowledges that, depending on the circumstances which are within and beyond MY:TIME control, access to the Website may be terminated or suspended at any time. MY:TIME has the right at any time to change or terminate any aspect or function of the site.

By using the services of MY:TIME, the user acknowledges that they are of legal age. The user must be at least 18 years old to be able to use the site for shopping, otherwise the responsibility lies with the person who provided access to the minor to data needed for online shopping. MY:TIME bears no responsibility if the purchase is made by a minor.

2. Modification of the Terms of Use

MY:TIME reserves the right at any time to terminate or modify any aspect of these Terms of Use as it deems necessary or desirable. If there are any changes, they will become effective after they are publicly announced on this website. These changes will not apply to products purchased before the public announcement is made.

THEREFORE we recommend that the user reads this important information containing our Terms of Use every time they want to make a new purchase in order to be informed of any changes. Any use of the site by the user of MY:TIME will be considered as acceptance of those changes.

3. Rules of purchase

The purchase rules of MY:TIME clarify the conditions of purchase and the method of delivery of the purchased products. The purchase goes through 3/three visible stages, namely:

PROCESSING – which implies that the order by the buyer/customer has been placed, but it is in the process of approving and/or preparing necessary documentation for delivery.

APPROVED - the order has been approved and is waiting for the courier to pick it up for transfer to the customer.

REJECTED - the order is rejected, the reason is sent to the user by email, and the money paid is refunded to the orderer.

After the order has approved, and the payment has been completed by the purchaser,  IMMEDIATELY and within no more than 3-three hours the purchased product will be handed over for delivery, unless the order is placed on Friday after 2:00 p.m., on Saturday, Sunday or any non-working day. Delivery is carried out through a duly registered and authorized company for the delivery of shipments Post Express Macedonia that overtakes the responsibility for the product from  the moment it is picked up for delivery to the moment the product is delivered to the customer.

By purchasing the products through this website, the customer/buyer agrees to the terms of delivery published on www.postexpress.mk . If the product is received by the delivery person by 2:00 p.m., Post Express Macedonia guarantees delivery within 3 up to 5 working days; otherwise, the product will be picked up by the delivery person the next day, after which the period of 3 to 5 working days is calculated. The guarantee for the delivery period of 3 to 5 working days is publicly announced by Post Express Macedonia and it is responsible for the truthfulness. WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje does not deliver and does not guarantee the delivery time. The purchaser/orderer has the obligation to keep informed on any changes to this announcement with the delivery company..

If the customer wants to insure the purchased product against possible damages, losses, etc., during the delivery, they are obliged to contact an authorized person from Post Express Macedonia and request insurance for the transport of the product in accordance with the conditions published on their website.

The products are delivered with a warranty (if the product has a warranty), a delivery note and an invoice for the payment made. Each buyer is obliged to check the product for possible damage during transport, and if it is a larger shipment, to check if any product is missing. Visible defects/damages to the product must be reported by the buyer immediately upon receipt of the goods to the supplier.

In case  the buyer wants to return the product through no fault of ours or the fault of the supplier and wants a refund of the product, then the cost of delivery will be deducted twice from  the final price of the product, which varies according to its weight. If the buyer wants to replace the product, they are obliged to keep it undamaged, packed and unused together with all the enclosed documents. Products are replaced only under the conditions prescribed in the Consumer Protection Law.

4. Limitation of Liability                                                                                

The end user expressly agrees that the use of this site is under their responsibility. Neither MY:TIME, its entities, nor their officers, merchants, content providers or licensors, or any of their officers, employees, agents or directors, guarantee that use of the site will be error-free or uninterrupted; nor do they warrant (I) the results that may be obtained from the use of this site, or any microsite, or (II) the accuracy, reliability, or content of any information, service, or product provided through this site or its microsites. This site and its microsites are made available on an "as is" and "as available" basis. MY:TIME disclaims all liability and conditions, express or implied, including, but not limited to, those which are subject to infringement, trading or adaptation for a particular purpose.

In no event shall MY:TIME be liable for any indirect, incidental, special, consequential or punitive damages arising out of or related to this website. MY:TIME's liability in connection with products purchased from "www.mytime.mk" may not exceed the amounts paid for those products, and the total liability arising from or related to this agreement may not exceed the amount paid by the end user during for six months before making any claim.

Under no circumstances will MY:TIME be liable for any loss or damage to the end user caused by their reliance on information obtained through MY:TIME. It is the end user's responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, comments, opinions, advice, or other content available through MY:TIME.

MY:TIME contains links to third-party websites maintained by other content providers. MY:TIME expressly disclaims responsibility for the content and accuracy of materials on such third-party websites. If the end user decides to access a website through a link, they sall do so at their own risk. Unless MY:TIME has expressly permitted you to do so, you may not post external links to other MY:TIME sites. MY:TIME reserves the right to revoke its consent to any link at any time, without notice to you.

MY:TIME has the right, but not the obligation, to monitor the content of the site at any time. MY:TIME has the right, but not the obligation, to remove any material that MY:TIME believes violates the provisions set forth herein.

5. Compensation for damages

The end user agrees to indemnify and hold harmless WATCH ID DOOEL, its affiliates, their officers, employees and agents for all claims for damages and expenses, including legal fees, that may arise from the use on this website by the end user.

6. Trademark

MY:TIME is a registered trademark of WATCH ID DOOEL. All rights to this brand are reserved. Unless otherwise noted, all other trademarks appearing on MY:TIME are the property of their respective owners.

7. Equipment

MY:TIME is not responsible for any damage to end user equipment as a result of using this site.

8. Miscellaneous

Every user of this site and online shopping is considered to accept these conditions, and thus it has the legal force of a bilateral agreement.

This Agreement, and any MY:TIME operating rules established by MY:TIME, constitute the entire agreement of the parties. The headings of the headings of this agreement are used only for ease of orientation, and in no way affect the interpretation of the text contained therein. If any provision of this Agreement is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, this will not affect the validity of any other provision of these Terms and the remaining parts of these Terms will remain in effect. The failure of either party to exercise its rights under this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver or loss of those rights or any other rights set forth herein.

The headquarters of WATCH ID DOOEL is in Skopje, Macedonia. Legal disputes that may arise as a result of using this website (unless it is explicitly stated otherwise by a separate agreement) are under the jurisdiction of the court in Skopje, and are resolved in accordance with the regulations of the Republic of Macedonia. By using this website, the end user agrees that any dispute or demand, arising from or related to these Terms or their implementation, is under the jurisdiction of the court in Skopje.

9. Privacy policy and protection of personal data

9.1 General

This Privacy Policy clarifies how we, Company for trade and services WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje, in the capacity of Controller of personal data (hereinafter: MY:TIME) process personal data voluntarily provided by users of the website www .mytime.mk. This Privacy Policy applies only to www.mytime.mk and its subdomains, and if there is a link leading to other websites, we do not bear any responsibility regarding the protection of personal data provided by those websites. By using this website, the user agrees to the terms of this Privacy Policy.

If you do not agree with this Policy, please stop accessing the website.

9.2 Meaning of Expressions

Personal data is any information relating to an identified natural person or an identifiable natural person (personal data subject), and an identifiable natural person is a person whose identity can be determined directly or indirectly, in particular on the basis of of an identifier such as a first and last name, a citizen's identification number, location data, an online identifier, or based on one or more characteristics specific to his physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that physical person.

A personal data subject is any natural person to whom the processed data refer. Visitors to the mytime.mk website are subjects of personal data

Consent of the subject of personal data is any freely given, specific, informed and unambiguous stated will of the subject of personal data, through a statement or a clearly confirmed action, which expresses consent to the processing of his personal data;

Processing of personal data is any operation or set of operations performed on personal data automatically or otherwise such as: collection, recording, organization, storage, adaptation or modification, withdrawal, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, publication or otherwise making available, matching, combining, blocking or destroying;

A personal data controller is a natural or legal person, a state authority, a state authority or a legal person established by the state for the exercise of public powers, which independently or jointly with others determines the purposes and method of personal data processing. DTU WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje is the controller of personal data.

Handler of personal data is a natural or legal person, state authority, state authority or legal entity established by the state for the exercise of public powers, agency or other body that processes personal data on behalf of the controller.

9.2 Name and headquarters of the Controller


Headquarters address: Bulevar 8-mi Septemvri no. 3 /4-4, Skopje, Karposh

Telephone for contact:

E-mail address : contact@mytime.mk

Personal Data Protection Officer

Dragana Krstevska

Contact phone number: 077/737-653

e-mail: dragana@mytime.mk

Any user of the website can directly contact the officer for the protection of personal rights for any questions pertaining to the exercise of all rights related to the protection of personal data.

9.3 Purposes of personal data processing 

We process your personal data for online shopping purposes through the form for online purchase of products without registration,

We process them for the purposes of online shopping through the user registration form "Profile - Registration" and the "Join - Registration" form, as well for sending notifications with your prior consent.

Through the "Contact" form we process your personal data to respond to your comments.

Through the "Career" form we process your personal data for the purposes of future employment.

Through the "Sign up for Newsletter" form we process the email address data so that you can receive monthly electronic editions of our newsletter.

Through the "Cooperation with MY:TIME" form we process the personal data of the signatory of our potential business associates for concluding a cooperation agreement with them.

Through the "Exchange of goods/return of goods" form we process your personal data to fulfill the legal obligation to return or replace a purchased product.

Through the "Complaints" form, we process your personal data for the purpose of fulfilling a legal obligation to remove possible defects of purchased products.

9.4 Categories of personal data, purposes and legal basis of personal data processing

Our website collects personal data based on your consent, due to fulfillment of contractual obligations and fulfillment of legal obligation.

We will keep personal data for the period unsuitable for fulfilling the purposes for which they were collected, and then they will be deleted. This period of keeping personal data is different depending on the purpose for which the data was collected. You have the right, at any time, to ask us to delete the data.

9.4.1 Online purchase of products without registration

If you decide to make an online order, without logging in or registering on the website, you need to enter the following data:

  • Name and surname
  • Order delivery data (address, email, phone number, postal code)

We collect these data in order to fulfill our contractual obligations to you as a buyer of our products, that is, for the realization of the online order, delivery of the shipment and for keeping accounting records .

Personal data collected for the realization and delivery of an online order, if there is no other legal basis for further processing of personal data, are stored for a period of 10 years after the order was placed.

When you place an online order for products with a card payment option, you leave your payment card details. MY:TIME does not collect any information of financial nature, such as card number and/or bank account number. The data related to the successful realization of the payment will be kept and used exclusively by NLB Tutunska Banka. The transaction when charging the product is redirected and processed through the NLB Tutunska Bank credit card payment portal. The portal uses modern data protection and all processes take place through a secure connection with the Bank.

9.4.2 User registration in the Profile - Registration section

If you want to register on our website, in the section "Profile" -,,Registration" it is necessary to enter the following data:

  • name and surname
  • contact details (address, e-mail, phone number, postal code)
  • day, month and year of birth (optional fields, required for sending greetings, benefits and gifts)
  • gender (optional field, required when sending gifts, as well as to specify the personalization of the offer for the client, given that the products we offer are predominantly divided into male and female).

When filling out the data specified in the "Registration" form in the "Profile" section, you are not obliged to fill in the fields that are not marked as mandatory, but you can still successfully complete the registration on our website.

The data required for user registration on the website are stored until you cancel your consent or until you decide to delete your profile.

9.4.3 Joining MY:TIME the loyalty club

On the website, in the "Join" section, in the "Registration" sub-section, for the purposes of joining the MY:TIME loyalty club, it is necessary to enter the following data:

  • name and surname
  • contact details (address, e-mail, phone number, postal code)
  • day, month and year of birth (optional fields, required for sending greetings, benefits and gifts)
  • gender (optional field, required when sending gifts, as well as to specify the personalization of the offer for the client, given that the products we offer are predominantly divided into men’s and women’s).

When filling out the data specified in the "Registration" form in the "Profile" section, you are not obliged to fill in  the fields that are not marked as mandatory, but you can still successfully complete the membership in the MY:TIME loyalty club.

The data required for joining the Loyalty Club are stored until you cancel your consent or until you decide to delete your profile.

9.4.4. Contact with us

To be able to contact us, you need to enter the following data:

  • name and surname
  • contact details (phone, e-mail)

This data is processed on the basis of our legitimate interest in providing services related to the sale of products (answering questions, requests, solving problems related to purchased products), which does not conflict with your interests in data protection.

Your personal data submitted through the contact form will be stored only temporarily, as long as they are relevant to our relationship or for a maximum of 1 year from the day of filling out the form.

9.4.5 Employment

If you want to become part of the MY:TIME team, so that we can contact you, you need to enter the following personal data:

  • name and surname
  • contact details (phone, e-mail)
  • completed education
  • CV

If you have given consent for your data to be processed in the process of selecting applicants for employment, we will keep them within 6 months of your application, that is, until the end of the purpose for which they were provided, after which they will be deleted.

If MY:TIME concludes an employment contract with you as a job applicant, we will store and process the submitted personal data for employment purposes (employment) in accordance with legal obligations.

9.4.6 NEWSLETTER (Electronic notification)

If you want to receive electronic editions of our newsletter, you need to enter your personal data:

  • e-mail address

This personal information is provided directly by you when you sign up for newsletter delivery by entering a valid email address. After receiving your request, a return e-mail message is sent to you to confirm the registration to the e-mail address entered in the "Sign up for NEWSLETTER" section. By adding an additional step in the application process through the double consent procedure (opt-in), it is proven that you, as the owner of the email address, have requested to receive an electronic edition of our monthly newsletter.

9.4.7 Cooperation with MY:TIME

If you want to cooperate with MY:TIME or your company wants to sign a purchase agreement by means of an administrative ban, apart from the data about the legal entity, it is necessary to enter data of the signatory of our potential business partners for concluding a cooperation agreement:

  • name and surname
  • contact details (e-mail, phone)

The personal data entered when filling out the form for cooperation with MY:TIME are processed based on the consent given and are kept until the cooperation is established or for a maximum of 3 months from the day of filling out the form.

9.4.8 Exchange of goods/return of goods

When exchanging or returning purchased products, you need to enter the following data:

  • Name and surname
  • Contact information (phone number and email)
  • Transaction account (in case of returning a purchased product)

These data are processed for the purpose of fulfilling a legal obligation to respond to your requests for replacement or return of purchased products and are stored within 1 year from the submitted request for replacement or return of a product.

9.4.9 Complaints

If certain defects appear in a purchased product, you must report them, and in this case, the following data will be processed:

  • Name and surname
  • Contact information (phone number and email)

These data are processed for the purpose of fulfilling a legal obligation to remove possible defects of purchased products and are stored within 2 years from the submission of the application for possible product defects.

9.5 Cookie Policy - Cookies

Cookies are small text files located on your device to collect information such as the type of browser and operating system, tracking the number of visitors to the website and the use of the website by users. These data are used to analyze and improve the technical functionality of our website in order to provide personalized content on the website, i.e. to better respond to the individual needs of users. Cookies are used for the normal functioning of certain features of the website that make it easier for users to access content.

For more detailed information, open the Cookie Policy.

9.6 Google Analytics

This website uses Google Analytics, a web analysis service of Google Inc. (hereinafter: "Google"). Google Analytics uses cookies, i.e. text files that are stored on your computer and that facilitate the analysis of the use of the website. Information about your use of this website is sent to a Google server in the USA and stored there. By setting a cookie, Google can analyze the use of our website.

This website uses the remarketing functions of Google Analytics in combination with the functions of Google AdWords and Google DoubleClick, which work on all devices.

9.7 Video surveillance

At the entrance of each store, there is a visible and clearly marked notice about video surveillance, which allows visitors to familiarize themselves with video surveillance, the name of the Control and how they can get information about the storage of the recordings, as well as about the rights of visitors during video surveillance.

MY:TIME collects personal data through the video surveillance system when visiting stores for the following reasons:

- to control the access to the sales facility and ensure the security of the facility, the safety of the employees in the facility and the patrons, as well as the property located in the business premises;

- to prevent, deter and, if necessary, investigate unauthorized access, including unauthorized access to security and protected premises, IT infrastructure or operational information; and

- to prevent, detect and investigate theft of assets or equipment owned by the Controller, visitors or employees, or threats to the safety of personnel working in the sales premises (eg fire, physical assault).

The processing of personal data through the video surveillance system is carried out for the following purposes:

  • protection of human life or health
  • protection of property
  • protection of the life and health of employees due to the nature of the work and
  • ensuring control over entry and exit from sales halls and/or the Controller's office

The video surveillance system is not used for any other purpose. The video cameras are placed so that they do not cover the surrounding public space. MY:TIME collects only images captured on the cameras, with no sound recording.

The video surveillance cameras installed in the sales facilities are positioned and focused so that only people who will access the sales facilities are recorded.

Personal data of visitors is stored for 30 calendar days from the visit in our sales facilities, after which all recorded videos are automatically deleted.

You can read the full text of the Privacy Statement during video surveillance at the following link

9.8 Obligation for secrecy and protection of personal data

MY:TIME uses data exclusively for the purposes for which they were originally collected, does not disclose personal data to third parties, except in cases where third parties act as processors of personal data (marketing agencies, providers of analytical and statistical services, consultants or collaborators for the fulfillment of specific tasks on behalf and at the expense of MY:TIME) who need to know such data only within the reasonable limits of the entrusted powers and legal restrictions and may not process the same for any other purposes, nor deliver them to third parties.

By way of exception, personal data may be disclosed only at the request of governmental authorities to the extent required by law or regulation, provided that prior to making such disclosure required by law, MY:TIME will provide the subject of personal data with prior information on the requirement and content of such disclosure, as is practicable under the circumstances.

9.9 Security of personal data processing

Your personal data are only processed in a way that ensures an adequate level of personal data security against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration or unauthorized access. MY:TIME takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure confidentiality and protection of personal data processing. However, despite our efforts to ensure maximum protection of your data, no website, mobile application, database or system is completely protected from security flaws in the transmission of data over the Internet. You can help ensure the security of your personal information by taking reasonable steps to protect personal information from unauthorized disclosure or misuse.

9.10 Your rights as subjects of personal data

The subject of personal data has the right:

  • to request access, correction or deletion of personal data or restriction of processing of personal data,
  • of objection to the processing as well as the right to data portability.
  • to request the withdrawal of the consent to provide the data.

To exercise all your rights related to the protection of personal data, you can contact the personal data protection officer of WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje.

Personal data protection officer at WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje

Dragana Krstevska

Contact phone number: 077/737-653

e-mail: dragana@mytime.mk

9.11 Protection of the privacy of minors

MY:TIME does not intentionally collect any personal data from persons under the age of 18. If you are a parent or legal guardian who has discovered that your minor child has provided personal information through our website without your consent, you can ask us to remove such unauthorized information by sending an email to the following email address: legal@mytime.mk .

9.12 Change of Privacy Policy

MY:TIME has the right to make changes to this Policy. If certain changes are made to the Privacy Policy, they will be published on this website. The User agrees that it is his responsibility to periodically check the Privacy Policy and to be aware of any changes.

Request for exercising the rights of the subject of personal data

Request to withdraw consent for personal data processing

Objection to the processing of personal data

10. MyTime Loyalty Club Membership Terms and Conditions

10.1 Introduction

10.1.1 The rules and conditions (hereinafter referred to as the Rules) for membership in the MY:TIME Club of WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje, hereinafter (the Club) include the terms of use as well as all other changing conditions, rules, requirements and restrictions arising from the membership in the Club. The Rules, together with any other changing terms and conditions related to any promotional offers that may be sent to Club members, constitute an agreement between the Club member and WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje. By joining the Club and with its continued use, members accept the rules, conditions, requirements and restrictions set forth in these Rules. WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje reserves the right to modify these Rules or to terminate the Club. In these cases, the same will be published on the website of MY:TIME: www.mytime.mk .

  1. By joining the Club, every member of the Club acquires a MY:TIME Club card, which is a confirmation and proof of membership in the Club. To acquire the rights and benefits of the Club, members must present the Club Card when making purchases at MY:TIME outlets.
  2. The rules and conditions for membership in the Club are publicly available and can be viewed at any time on the website of the MY:TIME Club: www.mytime.mk .

10.2 Definitions

10.2.1 "Rules and conditions" mean the contractual provisions that regulate the conditions, rules and obligations arising from membership in the MY:TIME club and represent a contractual relationship between WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje and the member of the MY:TIME club.

10.2.2 " MY:TIME Club" is a loyalty club of WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje, through which the members of the Club, by purchasing products from the points of sale and the online store of MY:TIME, acquire points, badges and value vouchers in accordance with the rules and conditions for membership in the Club.

10.2.3 " WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje" is a legal entity that was established and operates in accordance with the laws of the Republic of Macedonia, with headquarters at ul. Blvd. September 8, No. 3, lam. 4- loc. 4, Skopje

10.2.4 The Club card is a card that is linked to the profile of the user who is a member of the Club. The user's profile records all his purchases of products in MY:TIME stores, points acquired during the purchase, badges assigned and used, and prizes received.

10.2.5 "Member of the Club" means a natural person who has accepted the rules and conditions for membership in the Club and has given appropriate consent for the use of his personal data on WATCH ID DOOEL Skopje, i.e. MY:TIME

10.2.6 "Point" means a value unit that is calculated on the basis of purchases that are in accordance with the rules and conditions of the Club.

10.2.7 "Badge" is a badge for a one-time discount or gift that can be acquired by Club members after accumulating an appropriate number of points, in accordance with the rules and conditions of Club membership.

10.3 Terms of Membership

  1. Any adult natural person can become a member of the Club.

10.3.2 The name, surname, e-mail address, gender and date of birth specified in the Club membership application must be correct and valid. If the Club member makes any changes to any data, except the date of birth, he can do the same on his online profile. If the Club member wants to change the date of birth, he can do the same by submitting an application to change the data, in one of the MY:TIME stores.

10.3.3 Membership in the Club is free, that is, MY:TIME does not charge any money for joining the Club.

  1. Membership in the Club can be done in one of the following two ways:
  2. By filling out a membership application and a statement of consent for the use of personal data in one of MY:TIME stores. After completing the application, the Club member receives a MY:TIME club card with a unique code that is linked to the user's personal profile.
  3. With online registration on the website www.mytime.mk . After completing the application, the Club member receives a MY:TIME club card with a unique code linked to the user's personal profile, which is sent to him